Summer Glow bouquet of flowers is the perfect choice to give the day a bright and summery mood. This floral arrangement is made up of gorgeous roses, elegant orchid cymbidium flowers, delicate lisianthus, romantic ranunculus, fresh tulips, greenery and fragrant lefkoya. A total of 19 flowers and greens are combined in a harmonious and eye-pleasing composition that radiates lightness and summer feeling.
Along with the flowers, you will also receive decorative packaging and an elegant satin ribbon that adds extra glamor to this floral arrangement. As an added bonus, it also comes with a free greeting card where you can write a personal message.
Summer Glow is the perfect way to express your feelings, wish for happiness and peace, or simply fill a room with summer glow. This bouquet is designed to create joy and excitement, and it is sure to do just that. Brighten up your day with this summery airy flower arrangement!